Take one coon, dressed, and skinned the day before, and chilled overnight
in the meat compartment of the refrigerator. (The chilling is most
important, as the fat has to be removed, and this is possible only when it
is very cold). Remove the fat completely. Parboil by simmering gently for
15 minutes or so in water to cover, to which has been added I teaspoon
soda. Pour away this cooking water. Have ready your favorite stuffing,
such as for turkey and skewers or large needle and twine with which to sew
up the coon. Stuff the cavity and close well. Place on roasting pan, or
roast in tightly sealed aluminum foil as for roast turkey. The time
depends upon the size of the animal, 325'F. for open roast, and 450'F. for
foil roast. Steam cooking may also be used with a few minutes in the oven
at the last for browning. Care must be taken not to let the meat dry out,